Tips for Exam Preparation

Exams are like taking part in an athletic competition. It’s never easy. Just as an athlete
trains rigorously much in advance before the event, exam preparation must begin.
The race lasts only for a short time. It is the training that is important. It not only equips
you with necessary skills, strength and stamina but challenges you to rise above your

previous achievements, and set new targets. Instead of being consciously or subcon-
sciously worried about it, let’s get started. The following tips will help in conquering

fear and have a peaceful preparation.

  1. Purpose: Exams are conducted with a purpose. You have a goal to achieve
    through these exams. Keep an encouraging photograph or a picture of what you
    want to accomplish in life. This will keep you motivated at all times.
  2. Planning: Plan enthusiastically like how you would plan for a sports competition.
    Set your target knowing your strengths, and focus tirelessly on the areas of
    improvement. This will boost your confi dence to a great extent.
  3. Chapter wise preparation: Each chapter has a main theme and sub themes. A
    good understanding of both gives the satisfaction of work well done. On the other
    hand, preparing in bits and pieces from every chapter will always give a sense of
    incompleteness throughout. This will lessen the confi dence level.
  4. Concept clarity : Every concept has to be studied until it is thoroughly assimilated
    and comprehended. Clear your doubts with your subject teachers, who will be
    happy to help you.
  5. Solving Model Q. Papers: This will help in time management and reduce the exam
    fear. It will also work as an indicator for the concepts that need more focus.
  6. Proper breaks between study schedules: Break time should help in rejuvenating the body and mind. Sitting at the table makes the muscles rigid and reduces oxygen supply to the brain. A small walk or cycling some simple game like TT or Shuttle badminton will make one fresh to resume work.
  7. Avoid checking your friend’s schedule: Each one’s plan and preparations are different. Monitoring someone’s time-line will cause additional loss of time and keep you from achieving yours.
  8. Sleep well before the exam day : Staying up late will not only cause the will mid
    night oil to burnout but the person as well. A good sleep helps in detoxifying the
    over taxed brain and makes the mind fresh for tackling any kind of question in the
    exam paper.
    Finally, exams are not the ultimate deciding factors in life. It is the skill, the character
    and the work ethics that we develop takes us to greater heights in life. Learn to face
    challenges. Seek the Almighty’s blessings, for when the God of the universe is for you
    no one or nothing can stand against you.
    Wishing each one of you a wonderful time of preparation and a splendid result !
    (This article was published in Times-NIE (student Edition), Dec 11, 2019.)

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