Peenya Methodist Church LR Nagar Methodist Church Lingarajapuram Methodist Church Hosa Road Methodist Church Hosa Road Methodist Church
Dear People of God,
These hard times taught us to come out of the consumer Christianity to sacrificial Christianity.
Excesses of church to just enough
Nice to have to must haves
Non essentials to essentials
Sunday only faith to all time faith
This crisis is a great opportunity for believers to think afresh about what it means to be distinctly Christian every day of the week and in every aspect of life.
Church is not about consumers being served; it’s about Christians serving one another, and sacrificially building up the body even when it is costly, inconvenient, and uncomfortable
I encourage you to help one another in your neighborhood, especially to those who are poor and needy.
Help yourself, provide for your family and stay safe.
Also remember your church in your prayers and be faithful in your giving.
This moment is an opportunity for true, faithful generosity to be tested.
I request you to make use of the online payment gateway or NEFT details for your generous contributions, offerings and tithes. We sincerely thank you for your continued support.
May God bless you all
Pastoral Team – RTMC