The curriculum is themed “Fear Factor” to help children assess their fear experiences in life and the insight that these experiences give into their spiritual condition. The theme verse, Isaiah 33:6 says ‘He will be the sure foundation of your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure’. The key to having a sure foundation in these chaotic times to a rich store of help through our struggles to all of the wisdom and knowledge we could need is the fear of the Lord.
The Bible reminds us time and time again that the man than fears God does not need to fear anything else. It is our desire and yearning that our children even while they are still young will learn to cultivate that fear of God and that in turn would result in lives that are lived fearlessly and unapologetically for him.

The VBS curriculum was written keeping in mind English-speaking urban children and the challenges they face every day and the mounting pressures at schools, colleges, and homes. It is an encouragement to not be disheartened and feel threatened by these pressures. It is meant to be an appeal to keep their eyes on God and to live in obedience to Him alone. Focusing on that will give them the sure-footedness they need to navigate all the shaky ground they journey through.