Its summer time, and its time for ‘Vacation Bible School’. VBS-2017, began on the 17th April (Monday) at 8.30 am. This year’s theme is ‘Bible Boot Camp’ based on ” The armor of God “, from Ephesians 6:10-18. ‘VBS-2017’ will enable children and teens to learn on how to be equipped with the armor of God. A whole lot of activities are carefully planned (see the banner below for more details)/
The Leadership Team, Teachers and Volunteers have taken up the VBS mandate prayerfully. Continue to uphold them and the participating children in your prayers, especially the following specific needs:
- Pray for our Lord’s presence, that children and teens alike will be strengthened to a closer personal walk with Christ even as they have fun times.
- Pray for Lord’s provision to meet all needs
- Support with your contributions – in cash and kind; (Please make use of ‘Online Giving’-see details on home page)
- Volunteer your time
Pictorial Snapshots
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