Thank You

Dear members of the RTMC Family,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

We hope and trust that this letter finds you and your dear ones well. It’s a great privilege and honour for us to meet you all through this letter. It’s been almost two months since all of us met together as a Church. The Corona or Covid-19 pandemic is the topic of every conversation in every home these days. Though the virus is invisible and tiny, it has affected everyone irrespective of their status in society. The medical world is working hard towards understanding the speed of its spread and also to find out the medicine as early as possible. Lakhs of people around world are infected and thousands have lost their lives, thousands are quarantined and millions are living a life without any hope. We must be grateful to God for keeping all of us safe in the midst of spreading Covid-19. Though the public communal life was shut down around the world and there had been urgent calls for social distancing and the world spun into confusion and fear with many people tested Covid-19 positive and isolated, the work of God couldn’t be stopped. We are living in a kind of spiritual battle. Whatever it may be God will work it out for good. Nothing can hinder God’s plan for our lives. His love for us is unique. This omnipotent, effective, protecting love does not spare us from calamities in this life, but brings us safe to everlasting joy with God. Apostle Paul makes this clear in Romans 8:35: “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” So whether we go to church or not nothing can stop us from worshiping God.

By the grace of God Almighty we have tried our best to use the social media as a platform to worship the Living God. At this juncture we take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for inspiring us, for your spirit of oneness, your love, concern, participation, prayers and financial support and for your encouraging words, phone calls and in ways you can to be there for one another. A special word of thanks to all of you and your families for watching and participating in the online worship services in YouTube. Dear Brothers and Sisters, you are such an amazing congregation and it’s been such a great blessing for us to be your pastors. Once again we assure you that we are at your service. Do feel free to call us for prayers. Kindly take care of your health, spend time in reading the Word and in prayer. Let God be your priority even as you make best use of the given time. May God continue to be with us and lead us through these uncertain times.

Thank you so much once again for all that you do. You make the RTMC a great family!

Let’s be hopeful. Let’s be alert and Let’s stay safe!
Pastoral TeamRTMC

IMP UPDATE: Regular Services will be conducted Every Sunday @ 8:15AM and 10am, at both the Church & Online