Bible study outline: Book of Revelation |
Introduction | Introduction (1:1–3) | Greetings and Doxology (1:4–8) |
Jesus among the Seven Churches | (1:9–20) | |
The Letters to the Seven Churches | Ephesus (2:1–7)
Smyrna (2:8–11) Pergamum (2:12–17) Thyatira (2:18–29) |
Sardis (3:1–6)
Philadelphia (3:7–13) Laodicea (3:14–22) |
The Throne, the Scroll and the Lamb (chapters. 4–5) | The Throne in Heaven (ch. 4) | The Lamb slain (5:6-15) |
The Seven Seals
(6:1—8:1) |
First Seal: The White Horse (6:1–2)
Second Seal: The Red Horse (6:3–4) Third Seal: The Black Horse (6:5–6) Fourth Seal: The Pale Horse (6:7–8) Fifth Seal: The Souls under the Altar (6:9–11) |
Sixth Seal: The Great Earthquake (6:12–17)
The Sealing of the 144,000 (7:1–8) The Great Multitude (7:9–17) Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven (8:1) |
The Seven Trumpets | Introduction (8:2–5)
First Trumpet: Hail and Fire Mixed with Blood (8:6–7) Second Trumpet: A Mountain Thrown into the Sea (8:8–9) Third Trumpet: The Star Wormwood (8:10–11) Fourth Trumpet: A Third of the Sun, Moon and Stars Struck (8:12–13) |
Fifth Trumpet: The Plague of Locusts (9:1–12)
Sixth Trumpet: Release of the Four Angels (9:13–21) The Angel and the Little Scroll (ch. 10) The Two Witnesses (11:1–14) Seventh Trumpet: Judgments and Rewards (11:15–19) |
Various Personages and Events (chs. 12–14) | The Woman and the Dragon (ch. 12)
The Two Beasts (ch. 13) |
The Lamb and the 144,000 (14:1–5)
The Harvest of the Earth (14:6–20) |
The Seven Bowls | Angels with the Seven Plagues
(ch. 15) First Bowl: Ugly and Painful Sores (16:1–2) Second Bowl: Sea Turns to Blood (16:3) Third Bowl: Rivers and Springs of Water Become Blood (16:4–7) |
Fourth Bowl: Sun Scorches People with Fire (16:8–9)
Fifth Bowl: Darkness (16:10–11) Sixth Bowl: Euphrates River Dries Up (16:12–16) Seventh Bowl: Tremendous Earthquake (16:17–21) |
Babylon: The Great Prostitute (17:1—19:5) | Babylon Described (ch. 17)
The Fall of Babylon (ch. 18) |
Praise for Babylon’s Fall (19:1–5) |
Praise for the Wedding of the Lamb | (19:6–10) | |
The Return of Christ | (19:11–21) | |
The Thousand Years | (20:1–6) | |
Satan’s Doom | (20:7–10) | |
Great White Throne Judgment | (20:11–15) | |
New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem | (21:1—22:5) | |
Conclusion and Benediction | (22:6–21) |